Welcome to the Toolkit for the Wilkes Pharmacy Resident Teaching and Learning Certificate program.
Here you will find some quick and handy info to introduce you to Wilkes as well as a selection of resources to help you find information related to teaching roles, theory, and techniques and tools. Use the tabs above to navigate through the toolkit.
If you need assistance, please ask!
The Pharmacy Information Center (PIC) is located on the first floor of the Stark Learning Center, Room 106. Staffed hours are:
Monday - Friday 8am-5:30 pm (Academic Year) Monday - Friday 8 - 3:30 pm (Summers)
Your Wilkes ID badge can be used for entry to the PIC before and after staffed hours. Please request the librarian to make this arrangement for you.
You can stop by, call, or email me. You can also make an appointment for an extended research consultation.
(570) 408-4959