In the Books tab in AccessPharmacy, you will find some of the leading current, authoritative text resources. Check out the library at these links:
The Quick Reference section of AccessPharmacy provides quick diagnosis and treatment answers.
The Drug Monographs on AccessPharmacy can be searched, browsed alphabetically, or filtered by generics, trade names, and drug classes. Patient education handouts also are available in English and Spanish. The drug monographs are updated every two weeks.
Pharmacy Calculations Lectures are available in AccessPharmacy:
Engaging videos by Scott Sutton, PharmD, covering difficult subject areas for students.
Learn the fundamental principle of physical examination. Developed by The Ohio State University College of Medicine's Department of Family Medicine, these interactive modules bring the sights and sounds of the physical examination live.
Pharmacy Management Curriculum
Learn the fundamental principles of pharmacy management. These PowerPoints provide the user with lecture and comprehension questions.
The Pharmacology Lectures on AccessPharmacy provide short, student-friendly animations based upon Katzung & Trevor’s Basic and Clinical Pharmacology, 12e.
Harrison's Pathophysiology Animations
Each episode covers a disease mechanism. The running time of each animation is a student-friendly 4-8 minutes. Nationally regarded educator Scott Stern, MD, from the Unversity of Chicago wrote and narrated each episode, giving our series authenticity often lacking on medical animations.
The Cases tab in AccessPharmacy provides materials for short, targeted case-based learning. They vary slightly, but for each case you get a patient history and systems review, short answer questions, pharmacology pearls, and references.
The Study Tools tab in AccessPharmacy provides:
The Patient Education handouts in AccessPharmacy provide:
NAPLEX Central - This is a comprehensive NAPLEX tool with questions, review videos, and selected readings.
MPJE Review - The MJPE review guides were created by seasoned pharmacists who have recently taken and passed the MPJE® exams. Our state specific review tools are based off previous customer feedback. They are meant to be an extensive, yet simple guide to pass your board exams. These study guides will save you from weeks of frustration and help focus on key points to study for specific state MPJE® exams.
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