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Linking to Electronic Resources


What are permalinks?

Permalinks are stable links to electronic resources which allow multiple users to access the same electronic resource directly without searching for a citation.

Why do I need to use permalinks?

The URL that appears in a browser address bar while searching library resources is usually not the correct link for the resource. Library resource vendors often add a session ID after a search is conducted. These links will only work for the user who originally performed the search. Other library resource vendors mask the article-level link so that the URL in the address bar always directs users to the main search page. Vendors may not include the proxy server prefix, which is what makes resources accessible from off campus, in the URL in the address bar.

What do permalinks look like?

Permalinks will look different depending on the library vendor. In general, permalinks will not contain excessively long strings of characters and numerals. They will look simpler and cleaner than links from the browser address bar. Some permalink options will include the proxy server prefix that make resources accessible from off campus. For instructions on creating proxied links, see the Off Campus Links tab.

This is a link for an article in a ProQuest database copy and pasted from the address bar of a browser window. If you click this link, you will receive an error message.

This is a permalink. If you click this link, you will be able to open the article: Fox, M. H., ScD. (2008). Who speaks for the health consumer? Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 19(3), 671-6.

However, keep in mind a permalink may not always work for a user accessing the link off campus. Please see the Off-Campus Links tab for more information on making links accessible off campus.

Where can I find permalinks?

Where permalinks are found depends on the library resource because each resource vendor may place permalink options in different locations. Generally, permalinks can be found in the same location as citations. They may be in the header, footer, or side menu. If the resource you wish to link to is not from one of the following providers, contact a librarian for assistance.

American Chemical Society

American Chemical Society resources do not require permalinks because the vendor assigns each article a unique and stable URL.The URL in the address bar of your browser can be copied and pasted. To ensure the resource is available off campus, you may need to add the proxy prefix. Instructions can be found on the Off-Campus Links tab.


Cochrane Library (Wiley)

The Cochrane Library resources do not require permalinks because the vendor assigns each article a unique and stable URL.The URL in the address bar of your browser can be copy and pasted. To ensure the resource is available off campus, you may need to add the proxy prefix. Instructions can be found on the Off-Campus Links tab.


CQ Weekly (Congressional Quarterly)

In CQ Weekly, permalinks can be found at the bottom of the article with the citation. 

To ensure the resource is available off campus, you will need to add the proxy prefix. Instructions can be found on the Off-Campus Links tab.

Credo Reference

In Credo, permalinks can be found at the bottom of the article with the citation information. Permalinks from Credo automatically include the proxy prefix to make the article accessible from off campus.


DynaMed resources do not require permalinks because the vendor assigns each article a unique and stable URL.The URL in the address bar of your browser can be copy and pasted. To ensure the resource is available off campus, you may need to add the proxy prefix. Instructions can be found on the Off-Campus Links tab.


EBSCOhost databases

EBSCOhost databases include:

  • APA PsycArticles
  • CINAHL Ultimate
  • Communication Abstracts
  • EBSCO eBook collections
  • Health and Psychosocial Instruments
  • International Pharmaceutical Abstracts
  • MLA International Bibliography
  • OpenDissertations

In EBSCOhost databases, permalinks can be found on the right side menu after opening an article abstract page. After clicking the permalink option, an address bar will appear at the top of the article abstract page. Permalinks from EBSCOhost databases automatically include the proxy prefix to make the article accessible from off campus.



JSTOR provides both the permalink (Stable URL) and the proxied link (Remote Access URL) on the left side of the article page. Remember to use the proxied link to ensure off-campus users can access the resource.



In Nexis Uni, permalinks can be found in the "Actions" menu next to the article title. Clicking the "Link to this page" option will open a popup window with the permalink. To ensure the resource is available off campus, you will need to add the proxy prefix. Instructions can be found on the Off-Campus Links tab.


Nature Journals

Nature Journals articles do not require permalinks because the vendor assigns each article a unique and stable URL.The URL in the address bar of your browser can be copied and pasted. To ensure the resource is available off campus, you may need to add the proxy prefix. Instructions can be found on the Off-Campus Links tab.

ProQuest databases

ProQuest databases include:

  • APA PsycArticles
  • Dissertations & Theses @ Wilkes University
  • ProQuest Ebook Central
  • Education Resources Information Center (ERIC)
  • Library & Information Science Abstracts (LISA)
  • Nursing & Allied Health Premium
  • ProQuest Central (Click for full list)
  • New York Times Historical Archive
  • ProQuest One Business
  • ProQuest One Literature
  • PTSDpubs

In ProQuest, you can find the permalink by clicking "Abstract/Details" on the left side of the abstract view. You can then scroll down until you see the "Document URL." ProQuest includes the proxy prefix in the permalink to make the article accessible off campus. 



Permalinks can also usually be found by clicking the "Cite" option in the right side menu after opening an article abstract page. After clicking the "Cite" option, a new window will appear. The permalink is included in the citation. However, some citation styles may only give the DOI (document object identifier) instead of the full permalink URL.

SAGE Journals

SAGE Journals do not require permalinks because the vendor assigns each article a unique and stable URL.The URL in the address bar of your browser can be copied and pasted. To ensure the resource is available off campus, you may need to add the proxy prefix. Instructions can be found on the Off-Campus Links tab.


ScienceDirect articles do not require permalinks because the vendor assigns each article a unique and stable URL.The URL in the address bar of your browser can be copied and pasted. To ensure the resource is available off campus, you may need to add the proxy prefix. Instructions can be found on the Off-Campus Links tab.

Wiley Online Library

Wiley Online Library resources do not require permalinks because the vendor assigns each article a unique and stable URL.The URL in the address bar of your browser can be copied and pasted. To ensure the resource is available off campus, you may need to add the proxy prefix. Instructions can be found on the Off-Campus Links tab.