UCLA Equity Diversity and Inclusion's Implicit Bias libguide
SHRM's Implicit Bias Resource Guide
Racial Equity Tools' Implicit Bias guide
Berkeley Lab's Inclusion Diversity Equity Accountability resource guide
BruinX releases seven-part implicit bias video series
Stanford University's Women's leadership resources
AAMC's Unconcious Bias Resources for Healthcare Professionals
NEA's Implicit Bias, Microagressions,and Stereotype Resources
Implicit Bias Resources in Healthcare
Search Terms
Implicit Bias AND
Possible resources:
The Everyone Project--Implicit Bias resources in Healthcare
UT Health Houston's Implicit Bias resource guide
Eliminating Explicit and Implicit Biases in Healthcare
UNC's Implicit Bias in Healthcare Libguide
Implicit Bias and Racial Disparities in Health Care
Implicit Racial/Ethnic Bias Among Health Care Professionals and Its Influence on Health Care Outcomes: A Systematic Review
Implicit Bias in the Workplace
Search Terms
Implicit Bias AND
employ* OR work* OR job OR promotion OR "career advancement" OR salar*
Possible resources:
SHRM's Implicit Bias Resource Guide
Minimizing and addressing implicit bias in the workplace
Unconscious Bias Training that Works
Implicit Bias in Education
Search Terms
Implicit Bias AND
education OR school* OR "higher education"
Possible resources:
Awareness of Implicit Biases
Measuring Implicit Bias in Schools
Four Ways Teachers can reduce Implicit Bias
Implicit Bias and LGBTQ communities
Search Terms
Implicit Bias AND
LGBTQ OR (specific orientation spelled out) OR sexuality OR gender
Possible resources:
Learning to address implicit bias in LGBTQ patients
Training to reduce LGBTQ-related bias among medical, nursing, and dental students and providers: a systematic review)
Implicit Bias & Ethics (Working with LGBTQ Youth)
Implicit Bias and Asian communities
Search Terms
Implicit Bias AND
Asian OR Pacific-Islander OR (specific country of origin or ethnicity)
Possible resources:
Countering stereotypes about Asian Americans
Asian Americans more worried about racist Americans than coronavirus
Unwilling or unable? Measuring anti-Asian implicit biases of Pre-Service Teachers in order to impact Teacher Effectiveness
Implicit Bias and People of Color
Search Terms
Implicit Bias AND
African Americans OR black OR "people of color" AND
outdoor recreation OR "parks and recreation" OR (specific activity)
Possible resources:
NRPA's Unconscious Bias in Parks and Recreation guide
NC State University's Nature Gap: Why Outdoor Spaces Lack Diversity and Inclusion
Racial Complexities of Outdoor spaces
Examples of Housing Discrimination
National Initiative for Building Community Trust & Justice's Implicit Bias resource guide
Historical roots of implicit bias in slavery
Implicit Bias and Racial Disparities in Health Care
Implicit Racial/Ethnic Bias Among Health Care Professionals and Its Influence on Health Care Outcomes: A Systematic Review
Implicit Bias and Religion
Search Terms
Implicit Bias AND
Muslim OR Islam
Possible resources:
To Be Muslim or "Muslim-looking" in America: A Comparative Exploration of Racial and Religious Prejudice in the 21st Century
Kent State's Libguide on Islamophobia
Prejudice and the Acceptance of Muslim Minority Practices
Implicit Bias and Weight/Obesity/Body Image
Search Terms
Implicit Bias AND
obes* OR overweight OR plus-size OR "body image"
Possible resources:
Overcoming Weight Bias in the Management of Patients With Diabetes and Obesity
Addressing Medicine's Bias Against Patients who are Overweight
Addressing Medical Students’ Negative Bias Toward Patients With Obesity Through Ethics Education
Possible search terms for the databases:
Build your search string with as many synonyms between different concepts to find the most relevant resources.
REMEMBER: Use acronyms and spell them out: Example: BIPOC OR "black indigenous people of color"
Put phrases in quotes for more specific search results. Example: "unconscious bias" vs unconscious bias (the latter might give you results that have the word "unconscious" and "bias" somewhere within the item record but not together. So if you're looking for a specific term or phrase, make sure to put them within quotations.