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Collection Development & Management Policy of the E.S. Farley Library: Gift Materials/Donations

The Collection Development & Management Policy of the E.S. Farley Library.

Gift Materials & Donations to the General Collection

The acceptance of gifts strengthens the relationship between the library and its communities and provides a way by which a donor can share his or her intellectual interests with future generations. Donations will be held to the same collection and evaluation standard as purchased items. The library will not accept gifts for which it cannot provide appropriate stewardship.

Gifts are accepted with the understanding that they become the property of Wilkes University, and that the library will make all necessary decisions as to their retention, location, cataloging, and other considerations related to their use and disposition. Special terms or conditions requested by the donor should be discussed with the Dean of the Library and the Technical Services Librarian before the gift is accepted. Once a gift is transferred to the library, no part of it will be returned. It is the responsibility of the Technical Services Librarian to review offers and donations to make selection decisions based on the collection development philosophies and policies of the library and of the subject area involved. Outdated textbooks, Instructor editions of textbooks, superseded editions, duplicate copies, material in foreign languages other than those taught at Wilkes University, items in poor physical condition, and outdated material formats are not appropriate for addition to the collection and will not be accepted as donations. Any materials accepted and subsequently deemed unsuitable will be disposed of at the library’s discretion. Neither the library nor the university assesses the value of gifts made to the library. Valuation should be determined by the donor.

Suitable as Gifts

  1. Current within the last five years, especially within the sciences and medical fields
  2. Historical value, especially local or state historical material not owned by area libraries
  3. Value of printed edition
  4. Possess prestigious, rare, unique characteristics
  5. Catalog accessibility
  6. Potential for receiving high use
  7. Good physical condition
  8. Supports the present or anticipated curriculum or research needs of the University
  9. Matches the criteria for inclusion into the collection within the existing Collection Development Policy
  10. Duplicates
    1. Second copy is updated and in better physical condition
    2. Item is found to be missing
    3. High demand for the title

For duplicate item(s), the recorded usage patterns will be checked to see the number of times that the item(s) has been checked out within the last three to five years. If the item has been checked out frequently, that will be taken into consideration when the final decision to add it to the collection has to be made.

Not Suitable as Gifts

  1. Poor physical condition (e.g., stained, marked, mold or mildew damaged, mutilated, disfigured, bumped, scared, bridled, and underlined pages)
  2. Part of a series, with the exception that it would complete an existing series within the collection
  3. Textbooks / Instructor editions of textbooks
  4. Materials more appropriate for a different type of library (e.g., public, school, or special)
  5. Similar titles found in the existing collection that are more current on the topic
  6. Outdated materials, especially in the disciplines where the most current, recent, and accurate information is crucial
  7. Foreign language materials not relevant to foreign language courses
  8. Pamphlets, especially if brief (less that fifty pages) without any extraordinary value or added enhancement to the collection
  9. Highly specialized or esoteric treatment of subject

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Gifts of Rare and Unique Materials

Prospective donors of rare books, personal papers, photographs, artifacts, or other special materials will be referred to University Archives who will evaluate the appropriateness of the gift for addition to the Archives or Special Collections. Since the University Archives is a rich resource for our students as well as for the University community, University Archives welcomes publications and personal papers of Wilkes alumni and faculty, in addition to material relating to Wilkes' history and the local community. Email inquiries may be sent to Suzanna Calev, University Archivist, at

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Gifts of Print Journals

The library welcomes gifts of print journals, provided they are consistent with the instructional and research needs of the university. The established general criteria of serials selection are also applicable to gifts. In addition, the following specific conditions are taken into consideration:

  1. The library will accept backfiles of journals and other serials publications if they will fill in any gap in present holdings.
  2. The library will accept a gift subscription if there is assurance by the donor for the continuation of the subscription for a reasonable length of time.
  3. The library reserves the right to decide whether or not a backfile of the gift subscription will be maintained.
  4. The library will not accept backfiles of print journals if they are not current library subscriptions or held by the library.
  5. The library will not accept incomplete volume and odd issues of miscellaneous serials publication.
  6. The library will not accept gifts which duplicate the library holdings.
  7. The library reserves the right to accept, reject, and dispose of gifts of serials publications on the basis of its need and administrative considerations.

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