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Spring Semester

Farley Library
Monday - Thursday 8am - 12am ET
Friday 8am - 5pm ET
Saturday 11am - 6pm ET
Sunday 3pm - 11pm ET
Alden Learning Commons (24/7 Basement Level)
The basement is accessible after hours via the South Street WIN card entrance and via the main entrance during library open hours.
Reference Desk
Monday - Thursday 9am - 5pm, 6pm - 9pm ET
Friday 9am - 5pm ET
Saturday-Sunday Closed

Holidays and Inclement Weather

Library hours vary during holidays and intersessions. Check the detailed schedule for academic year or contact the Reference Desk at (570) 408-3214 for more information. Any exceptions to the regular library hours will be posted at the entrance to the library.
In the event of a virtual closure, compressed schedule, noon start or early dismissal, the upper floors of the library will close with the campus, but the 24/7 basement will remain open. In the event of a full closure, the basement will close until the rest of campus reopens.