Circulation, Reserves, Media
All borrowers are responsible for all materials checked out to their accounts.
Faculty members may borrow an unlimited number of books for a sixth month loan period. Books may be renewed for an additional six month loan period.
Audiovisual Materials
Faculty members may borrow up to 4 DVD's from our floor collection for 7 days. (Days when the library is closed do not count toward this total).
Faculty wishing to place course material on Reserve need to complete a Reserve Material Form and bring it to the Library Circulation Desk. Reserves must be submitted 24 hours before student assignments. Faculty is reminded that Farley Library strictly adheres to current copyright law.
Media Services
Equipment available to borrow for a one week loan (call for loan extensions):
- 3 MacBooks
- 30 iPads
- 4 Dell laptops with carrying cases
- Viewsonic Projectors
- DVD players
- VCRs
- television
- overhead projectors
- slide projectors
- projection screens
- conference phones
- portable DVD writers for notebook users
- Laptop cart (25 Dell laptops)
Faculty members are expected to pick-up smaller media equipment at the Circulation Desk. Facilities staff will deliver larger media equipment to classroom and campus events (no evening or weekend deliveries.) At least a 24 hour notice is required. Videos and DVDs may be reserved in advance of the expected need by calling the Circulation Desk (ext. 4250).